ClimateOrb FAQ


Yes, trusted and high quality cosence data bring climatecab fundamental computing.

Yes, trusted and high quality cosence data bring climatecab fundamental computing.

Yes, trusted and high quality cosence data bring climatecab fundamental computing.

So far you can place an order online through our email.

From cell phone wireless part , you can contact to phone, as like below :
Step 1 : After about 30 seconds of Powering On the device, if it cannot connect to any nearby Wi-Fi network, It will create a Wi-Fi Hotspot of it own by the name “ClimateOrb-xxxx”. We should now open Wi-Fi settings from the Settings Apps on our Smartphone. You can see the ClimateOrb-28b8 from the list of "CHOOSE A NETWORK...". Then tap the “ClimateOrb-28b8” network and enter password “climateorb”.
Step 2 : After This is the PRiDA statistics screen. This screen displays the current status of the established connection, WiFi mode, IP address, etc. Also, the top right icon is the control menu. Clicking on that icon, the control menu appears as below:
Step 3 : Now join to the new access point by clicking on "Configure new AP" option. This allows you to connect the device to a new access point.
Step 4 : Now you will see the SSID configuration screen. Enter the SSID and Passphrase and tap “Apply” to start connecting to the access point.
Step 5 : After connection is established, the display will turn on the Device and sensor data will be visible. Once the device is operational, you can close this page and disconnect from the Wi-Fi network. Also depending on Wi-Fi channel settings, the current status screen may not appear. In this case,there is no need to do anything as the device is already connected to the Wi-Fi.

Yes, you can set an alarm later.

Temperature, humidity, eCo2, Ph1.0. Pf2.5, ph10, etc.

6000 hours or two years

Yes , we are planning to do this exchange from next year.

The accuracy is 0.1ppm.